Swordigo walkthrough plains
Swordigo walkthrough plains

Part 1: Deflect the boss’s fireballs back at him. When he comes down in his swirling sword attack, dodge it and then attack him as he comes back up. You can use dragon’s grasp occasionally to hit him and do damage. Part 2: The only attack that he can’t deflect back at you (though he might block) is dragon’s grasp. Try to get a feel for his attacking patterns and attack when he isn’t. This is the only boss that you won’t get hurt from by touching. Enemy/Boss IOS: 2: 12 years ago: 12 years ago: How do I get past the jar near the 46 key door that is small and green Main Quest IOS: 4: 12 years ago. If you run low on health, use your potion. Run, jump and fight your way through a vast world to defeat the spreading corruption. These are all the in-game awards that give varying additional soul points. If you used it already or forgot to bring one, run back and forth by jumping over him and avoiding him until you regenerate some health to fight again (this is assuming you put your shadow trinket into your armor).Move back up onto the top platform and find the box on the highest platform below the swinging bridge. Stickman Fighter is a cool reaction fighting game with a skillful thin fighter and plenty of sharp weapons.

swordigo walkthrough plains swordigo walkthrough plains

The Master of Chaos is the final boss of Swordigo. Watching little stickmen fight barehanded like super skillful warriors performing cool combos is just epic. Even more awesome is to be the one in the middle who kicks everyone’s ass. Bring the box all the way right and use to jump between projectile beetle and spider. Move left past the spider and keep going left until you reach the next treasure. Return right again until you can turn left onto the lower platform and grab the box behind the sliding block. Welcome to the walkthrough for the iOS game Swordigo, if you are looking for ways to make it to the next level, and to improve gaming experience as a master. Bring the box back to jump up on the high platform. The Chamber of the Flame boss is a tiny creature compared to the other bosses. Follow the wooden sign to the next level of The Plains. It has two horns and a body shaped like an upside down tear drop. It has no legs and flies around the room.

swordigo walkthrough plains

Its color is lava red and has lava rocks on parts of his body. The treasures in this level of The Plains are behind boulders. Bienvenue sur : Le numro 1 du jeu vido astuces et soluces en France Dcouvrez des tonnes de solutions, de trucs et daides sur vos jeux. You will been to receive the bomb spell from your master in the Forgotten Keep in order to break down the boulders and collect the treasures. Once you receive the bomb spell, return to this level of The Plains. There will be one treasure right below the portal and to the left.Ĭontinue moving right and use the bomb to break down the next boulder. Continue right into Cairnwood Valley Caves. Drop down the first chance you get and use the bomb to break down the boulder. Keep moving down and left into the Sinister Cave. Kill Boulder, The Golem and a treasure will appear. Continue moving up and right into Evernight Forest.

Swordigo walkthrough plains