Opal can be found all over the world from Cornwall to Canada, Australia to Siberia, Ethiopia, Madagascar, and many other locations. Opals are separated into two groups, common Opal (also known as potch) and precious Opal (also known as noble Opal). Whatever we send out returns to us, so if we want hope, love, understanding, compassion, friendship, and so on, we need to make sure that we act in a congruent way with this desire. Opal is also known as a karmic stone, serving to remind us of the Law of Attraction. In this way, it is a highly protective stone. It will also absorb the energies and vibrations of people around you, including negative or harmful ones, and reflect them back to their source. It will pick up on your thoughts and emotions, magnify them, and send them back to you. Opal is a highly absorbent and reflective stone. You will feel confident and comfortable in your own skin, and this will radiate in your words, thoughts, and actions. The energies of this stone will also encourage you to express your true self. It will get the creative juices flowing, and it will give you energy every time you need that extra boost. It will inspire originality and boost creativity. Opal is believed to enhance your cosmic consciousness and strengthen your mystical and psychic visions. Opal is a delicate stone with a subtle vibrational energy. The chemical formula of Opal is Si02 nH20. Opals are translucent or transparent and measure between 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Raw stones have a waxy, dull luster that polishes to a vibrant shine.

The Precious forms of Opal occur in a wide variety of colors, including white, yellow, red, orange, green, black, and blue. Opal is a mineraloid or crystalline form of silica. The Properties Of Opal Physical Properties Of Opal The spiritual meaning, powers and uses of Opal Stone.